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Spending lunch with Waco firefighters working on Thanksgiving


WACO, Texas — As many of us are enjoying Thanksgiving with our families many first responders are with their work families to ensure we all have a safe holiday.

25 News reporter Bobby Poitevint sat in for Thanksgiving lunch at one of the busiest fire stations in Waco and brings us how they’re spending the holiday.

On Thanksgiving at Station No. 6—also known as Super 6 among fire fighters—they said grace.

Firefighter Jose Guerrero made the food and is now blessing it.

“Dear Lord thank you for this day and this food you provided for us today. We ask that you watch over us and our families while we’re away from them. We thank you for the many blessings today especially of all days we ask you keep us safe while we go out and help those that may need us. In God's name amen" he said.

Firefighters on shift, Tyler Hall, Jose Guerrero, and Jose Estupinan said they may do a lap around the station after their heavy meal.

“Oh it’s gonna happen today" Estupinan said laughingly.

Before a meal was even on the table shenanigans, were already at play.

Hall said, "The ongoing joke at fire station number six is to freeze Tyler’s cup, and so every morning I come in my cup is full of ice so I have to thaw it out before I can drink something.”

But public safety never leaves their minds.

Guerrero said, “I mean it’s just conversational and kinda in the process just kinda ‘well you know what if something does happen', start kinda planning things preemptively.”

While Guerrero and Hall have other Thanksgiving plans, for Estupinan this is the family he’s spending Thanksgiving with and he wouldn’t trade them for any other crew member.

He said, “I’m with two guys I don’t see very often because I’m a floater. I float to different stations all the time so I don’t get to see them as often as I do some other guys.”

These three firefighters will be at the station for an entire 24 hours to ensure any calls for help, when and if they come in, are answered this Thanksgiving.

SEE MORE: Temple firefighters share what it's like to work on Thanksgiving Day