“They go from practicing during the week, and you know, they’re all exciting ready to play the game… and then the rain hits,” President of Robinson Little League Kelly Mullins said.
Stormy weather has caused multiple fields to flood at Youngblood Park, delaying practices and games for the Robinson Little League.
The ground declines 20 feet from the road to the back of the park.

“So, the water runs from the road and runs through the complex,” Mullins said. “What happens is, all the water accumulates to the back of the complex so our back two fields end up getting flooded out,”
Mullins says it usually takes two to three days for the fields to dry out.
The league is privately owned and does not get financial assistance from the city, leading to financial stressors on the organization.
Mullins tells me most of their income is spent paying for utilities.
“We spent $25,000 just on electricity last year, and as of this year, we’ve already spent $17,000,” Mullins said.

Each player pays a registration fee at the beginning of the season—covering uniforms, hats, umpire and charter fees.
“I think that the fundraising has really helped keep those down over the years,” Pam Hanson, Robinson Little League parent, said. “Especially for people who have more than one kid going into it, it’s really important to keep those at a reasonable amount,”
“And we don’t want to increase registration fees, it’s really hard on families already with it being $125,” Mullins said.
Instead the league plans to focus on fundraising, sponsorships and donations to raise money for the season.
“It’s a big part of our community, it brings a lot of people together,” Hanson said.