KILLEEN, Texas (KXXV) — "Let's say not none of the citizens went and talked to the council at that time, Featherline would probably never be on the radar to be constructed probably anytime soon," said James Sills with Fix Featherline.
The promise the council made to Fix Featherline Road ahead of the new developments is finally coming to fruition following the last council meeting.

City council approved an agreement for the design of the road reconstruction project for a little over $1.8 million, paid for by grants to go toward a three-lane road.
"We're going to have one lane in each direction with a center turn lane or median depending on as we proceed with the design what works best," said Andrew Zagers, City Engineer.

The storm drainage will be improved, and sidewalks, streetlights, and landscaping will be added to this strip.
"You have Chaparral Road down here and you have Stagecoach right here — this is Malmaison," Zagers said.
"This project is going to approve that intersection at Malmaison that goes into Yowell Ranch — there are eight phases of homes over there."
On Monday at the planning and zoning meeting, the staff approved another rezoning request for Featherline Road for 87.12 acres that could bring in more homes.

Sills says he went just to thank the staff for their dedication and hard work and to still remind them there are existing issues.
"I think I went into P&Z kind of having that expectation that they were going to feel like some of the improvements with Featherline and the new 12-inch water main," he said.
"I'm definitely not against development but I wish we could have staggered that a little bit, but I'm pleased."
This development will take some time.
The city’s engineer says they are expected to be complete before the end of 2028 — this one in particular is being pushed ahead of other road projects that are already in the works.