NOLANVILLE, Texas (KXXV — Six new principals will take new roles in six different schools at Killeen ISD this semester.
- New principal at Nolan Middle School
- School begins August 14th
- Parent and student excited to return
"Oh my goodness, I am so excited for school to start back, I have a senior in high school and my baby is going into the eighth grade," said Larrie Rocha, a Nolan Middle School Parent.
Larrie Rocha says her children have always attended Killeen ISD schools — this year, her daughter Tanith, will have a new principal at Nolan Middle School.
"I'm expecting greatness a lot of activities, because she is in the eighth grade she gets to do a lot more things than she did last year," Rocha said.
Tanith says she is an eighth grade volleyball player and also involved in track she's excited about the new season, and when picking up her schedule she loved how the school had been rearranged.
"At Nolan, we show a lot of school spirit and there are a lot of activities you can do throughout the year so that just makes it much more fun than what it was," said Tanith Rocha.

"The direction that I want to go in is continue the path continue the journey in what we are doing," said Joe Gonzalez.
This is Gonzalez's first time being named as a school principal — as a 25-year veteran in education with Killeen ISD, he now manages 60 teachers and over 1000 students.
He says he plans to study and understand the data from professional learning communities to help his school keep enhancing through curriculum and organization while bringing more activities to keep students engaged.
"They're a very tight-knit group here and I think that is what makes it unique in its own right, it's that involvement from parents is so high that it helps our kids be successful”, Gonzalez said.