HEARNE, Texas (KRHD) — Hearne ISD hosted an event to honor Mexican Independence Day and educate neighbors about what Hispanic Heritage Month is all about.
- The event was held in the Hearne High School gym and included guest speakers and dances.
- Mexican Independence Day is celebrated on September 16 to honor Mexico's freedom from Spain in 1821.
- Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15 to October 15.
"We are initiating the celebration of the Hispanic Heritage Month," said Hearne Spanish Teacher, Roberto Vendana.
Mexican Independence Day — a day to commemorate Mexico's freedom from Spanish rule in 1821.
"A lot of people think Spanish, Mexico, but no, it comes from Spain, which is Europe," Vendana said.

"Independence, obviously, it means liberty and justice, which is what the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States means, and that's what people that come here are looking for," he said.
But that's not all. In the last two centuries its meaning has grown.
"It's not about advocating for one race, ethnicity, or culture, it's to understand the people that are around us in the world we live today, we need to know about each other a lot more," guest speaker, Jorge Vanegas, Ph.D. said.
Dr. Jorge Vanegas is the Dean Emeritus of the College of Architecture at Texas A&M University.
"I was invited to give some remarks on the Hispanic Heritage Month," he said. "I'm here to create a learning opportunity, and hopefully my words will inspire them to learn a little bit more of what they can do as individuals."
He tells15ABC he wants to help neighbors in Hearne gain a better understanding of what Hispanic Heritage Month is all about.
"There are a lot of people that don't realize it happens, there are a lot of people that know it happens and question why, there are many other special heritage months, I'm here to talk about the Hispanic one," Vanegas said.
And the importance of the word community.
"I am a person that's a total supporter, advocate, and promoter of the term 'community', and Hearne is one of them."
"When you put aside all the rhetoric that surrounds us, that divides us, that polarizes us, the message is quite simple; whatever we can do together is going to make us stronger," he said.