

Nothing but sunshine throughout today

and last updated

25 WEATHER — You might have seen some clouds in the distance yesterday evening that made for a great sunset. Those clouds have moved even further east, and there won't be anything stopping the sun from shining brightly today. A change in wind direction occurred overnight, and we'll have a north wind through the day. As a result, our temperatures will top out in the mid-60s. Tomorrow morning's lows will once again be in the upper-30s.

Plenty of sun will be back for tomorrow, and by Wednesday we should see a few clouds return. Southerly winds will mark the beginning of another warm-up on Thursday. Highs should rise to the 70s that day, with upper-70s possible on Friday. It will be quite windy during that time. A shot of rain may move through on Saturday, which will bring a temporary end to the warmth. Temperatures at the end of next weekend look to be in the 50s.

Caleb Chevalier
25 Weather