KILLEEN, Texas (KXXV) — The City of Killeen approved a $882,114 repair system for it's damaged solid waste system.
- Jamail and Smith Construction is taking care of the repairs.
- This repair has been on the table for two years and has gone through different designs and contractors.
- Neighbors say this is a good thing for the city to reduce pollution.
"There should be a method not to cause more pollution," Erick Serrano, a long-time Killeen resident said.
The City of Killeen approved a nearly million-dollar repair system for solid waste management at Tuesday's city council meeting.
The city didn't tell 25 News' Marc Monroy what caused the damage and the need for repairs but in a recent city council meeting, damage to the transfer station is described as "fire damage" in photos.
"Yes it was approved and the contractors are Jamail and Smith for about $800,000 and more information is on the website," Janell Ford over the phone, the spokesperson for Killeen said.
Let's take a look at some of the damage — this photo from the city shows a burned waste tunnel and waste scattered around.

"I think this is something that is going to benefit the area especially since this is an older area, the downtown area, so I think it's something that will help us a lot," Serrano said.
But how can this impact you and our neighborhood?
25 News' Marc Monroy found out that when a system is backed up and damaged — the waste will rot and attract more pests to the area - meaning more rats, the potential for fires, water pipe clogs, and it can even damage and contaminate the soil.
"Contaminated soil and all that, I think that they need to fix it and find a way an effective way to try to prevent something like this again," Serrano said.
The funding is coming from the city's 2019 solid waste capital improvement plan which is a mix of federal, state, and city tax dollars.
But this specific repair has been on the table for two years and has gone through several different designs and potential contractors.