WACO, TX — Midway ISD has reported that a second high school senior tested positive for COVID-19.
The district reported their first student positive, also a 12th grader, Friday.
A final count is not yet available, but at least several dozen students will be quarantined according to guidelines from the CDC, TEA and local health district that evaluate proximity and time spent together, as well as use of personal protective equipment.
"There has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 of a 12th grade student on our campus," Midway High School's Principal said in a letter to parents Friday. "This is a general letter sent to the campus for transparency. If your child was found to be in close contact, you will be contacted more directly and personally."
Part of the response protocol includes tracking attendance and having assigned seating so the district was able to quickly trace and notify 23 affected students from in school classes and activities, according to a Midway ISD spokesperson.
"Unfortunately, when students and families participate in large group activities or events outside of school, contact tracing is much more complicated and lengthy. Close contact tracing for outside of school activities related to a single positive case is still underway."
The letter says unless you are notified of close contact or exposure, your child has not been placed in quarantine.
He or she may continue to come to school, but "please carefully screen your child for symptoms each morning before coming to school."
If he or she has any symptoms, please keep your child home and contact your child’s doctor.
A staff member from Woodway Elementary tested positive last week, causing their principal and several team leadership members to quarantine as a precaution for the start of the school year.
To find the dashboard, which is updated each morning, click here.