CENTRAL TEXAS — It's a completely different world that most people in Central Texas have no idea about.
"We have so much talent in Central Texas," said filmmaker Louis Hunter.
The film-making industry is soaring, and local filmmakers Louis Hunter and Terry Bluez say the potential, and the art, being created right now is one of a kind.
"We have seen what a big television show will do here, well let's see what big movie production will do here," said Hunter.
Bluez followed his passion and returned home to Waco to help those with the same passion.
"This is where I need to be to make the greatest impact," said Bluez.
He works with students at the campus media lab at Baylor University
Bluez says it's all about being involved, and a part of the conversation.
"The way Waco is transitioning, they have all these opportunities to have an art scene and film scene and I can come in and make my way into that make and help make a bridge. It's about getting into those circles," said Bluez.
Talented and creative filmmakers from all over Central Texas are supporting one another, and looking forward to the magic that can be created.
"It's more than Waco. It's Mexia, Killeen and all the people in our area. We are excited to see what 254 filmmaker can come up with because we are creative and we do have the ability pull things together and bring solid things to the screen," said Hunter.