BREMOND, TX — An ATV accident off HWY 14 left several teenagers injured, according to police.
The Falls County Sheriff's Office told 25 News that an ATV accident left 2 people in critical condition and 2 in stable condition.

The accident happened outside of Bremond, which is in Robertson County. The ATV was a 2-seater, and the injured are mostly teenagers ranging from 10 to 18-years-old.

Police say three people were in the front seat of the ATV, while two were riding in the bed.
A teenage girl was allegedly driving at 40 mph when she swerved to miss a dog, over corrected and flipped the vehicle.
Police say all of the kids are students in the Bremond Independent School District.
The majority of the injured were transported to St. Joseph's in Bryan.
Bremond Police, Falls County Sheriff's Office, Bremond Volunteer Fire Department, Robertson County Sheriff's Office and EMS, were all working the crash.
Ambulances from Falls County and Acadian EMS responded.