

Teen who saw mother murdered on 11th birthday now high school senior: In-Depth

18-year-old's family has been vocal about gun violence since 2016 murder.
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Nevaeh Rosales, 18, still remembers her 11th birthday.

On May 29, 2016, Rosales' mother was shot and killed by the mother's boyfriend.

"He was yelling and screaming at her. He got a gun and shot it at the roof in the bathroom," said Rosales.

After shooting at the roof Manuel Talavera turned the gun on to Olivia Trucks and killed her.

"It wasn't the best birthday, that's for sure," said Rosales.

Since that day the family has been vocal about gun violence. They speak at events and tell Olivia's story.

"Me and my mom were close, that was my best friend," said Lacy Trucks.

Mother murdered in front of daughter on 11th birthday, now going into her senior year

The mother of five had been in and out of violent relationships. Before Olivia was killed they knew she was in a bad spot.

"She was losing weight, she would try and cover the bruises on her face," said Trucks.

  • In 2020, domestic violence hotlines received 21,321 calls, an average of almost 15 calls every minute.
  • In 2018, domestic violence accounted for 20 percent of all violent crimes.

Olivia's mother is the backbone of the family. The grandmother's home is always full of family. After Olivia was murdered she even took on the role of parent.

Seven million grandparents around the U.S. took on the role of parents, according to Census data. It's a role she finds joy in, but she still misses her daughter.

"This is the only way we'll see her is in pictures," said Barbara Rosales.

With great-grandchildren running around and watching movies and play fights over popcorn from the adult grandchildren, she misses Olivia dearly.

"She would be right here in the middle of it," said Barbara Rosales.

The family refuses to allow Olivia's story to die in vain but admits the emotional toll has been brutal.

"Why can't you just leave," said daughter Reagan Rosales, 19, speaking about her mother's relationships.

Reagan Rosales was born with cerebral palsy after her mother was in another abusive relationship while pregnant with her.

After her mother was murdered she started having nightmares and panic attacks. She found it difficult to speak to and trust people.

"I tried to focus on the good as much as I could to keep the nightmares down," said Reagan Rosales.

Reagan found a friendship and bond with her cousin Dycin Davis, 14, and experienced his father's death. When Reagan didn't have a date to prom, Davis stepped in.

The family has a special bond and calls the house chaos. Barbara is always in the kitchen cooking for the family and says this is her purpose.

Olivia's sister Danielle Rosales is at work organizing and telling the story of her older sister.

"We were able to award someone a $2500 scholarship for college this year," said Danielle Rosales.

Nevaeh Rosales is set to graduate high school this year, when she does so all of Olivia's kids will have their high school diplomas.