

In-Depth: Leaders from Texas speak out after Russia’s attack on Ukraine

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WACO, Texas — After Russia started a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, leaders across the world started to show their support for the country.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's tweeted that the state of Texas stands with the Ukrainian people.

Former President George W. Bush

George W. Bush
Former President Bill Clinton, left, reaches over to former President George W. Bush, as he makes comments during a discussion at the Presidential Leadership Scholars graduation ceremony at the George W. Bush Presidential Center, Thursday, July 13, 2017, in Dallas. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

“Russia’s attack on Ukraine constitutes the gravest security crisis on the European continent since World War II. I join the international community in condemning Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine. The American government and people must stand in solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people as they seek freedom and the right to choose their own future. We cannot tolerate the authoritarian bullying and danger that Putin poses. Ukraine is our friend and democratic ally and deserves our full support during this most difficult time.”

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U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) said he believes that America has a responsibility to those in Ukraine.

“America stands with Ukraine, and we will do everything we can to help them defend themselves against the Russian Federation. The United States has played no part in creating this crisis, but we have a responsibility to support the Ukrainian people as they fight to defend their own sovereignty. Putin has tried to get away with as much as he can, and it would be naïve to think that he will stop at Ukraine. Ukraine is on the front line of a crisis, but the security of Europe is also in question. This is not just about Ukraine. This is not just about Europe. This is about America’s credibility and that of our friends and allies around the world and our willingness to stand up for our values and defend our freedoms. If the U.S. fails to support Ukraine, other authoritarian movements like those in China and Iran will take note.”

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U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) issued a statement about the Biden administration's rescinded sanctions waivers it gave to Nord Stream 2 AG.

“President Biden made the right decision today. Allowing Putin’s Nord Stream 2 to come online would have created multiple, cascading, and acute security crises for the United States and our European allies for generations to come. Today’s announcement is critical to preventing such scenarios. Today’s announcement should be followed by additional steps inside the Biden administration and in Congress to permanently lock in sanctions. Putin believes that Nord Stream 2’s activation is a fait accompli now that it has been physically completed, and that any barriers or sanctions are only temporary. His aggression toward Ukraine is based on that assessment, and the only way to change his decision calculus is to convince him Nord Stream 2 will never come online. Meanwhile, our Ukrainian allies are on the front lines this very moment bravely facing down Russian forces. For months they have been pleading with us to help them by, first, locking in exactly these sanctions on Nord Stream 2 and, second, providing them with the lethal aid they need to defend themselves. President Biden has now taken positive steps in both areas, but much more still needs to be done to deter and counter the threat that Putin poses to our allies in Ukraine and across Europe.”

U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul (TX-10) released a joint statement with other Republican leaders, calling out Putin.

“Russia’s deployment of conventional military forces into Ukrainian territory and illegal recognition of its proxy entities on Ukrainian land constitute an unprovoked further invasion of Ukraine. These actions are an assault on Ukrainian sovereignty, a dangerous threat to the rules-based international order and UN charter, and are a transparent pretext for launching a full conventional military assault on the rest of Ukraine, which would inflict a horrific human cost. I strongly supported our diplomatic efforts to prevent a full-scale invasion from occurring. Tragically, Vladimir Putin appears to have rejected the path of diplomacy and instead chosen to inflict further suffering on innocent Ukrainian and Russian people.”

Castro went on to say in his statement he “strongly” supports Ukraine’s right to protect its people.

“I strongly support Ukraine’s right to self-defense. The United States must ensure the Ukrainian people have what they need to defend their country, their homes, their families, and their democracy. We must also support the Ukrainians who are inevitably displaced in the refugee crisis Russia is creating. The United States will be ready to lead the world through the economic impacts of this crisis — particularly on global energy and food prices that could be affected by Russian aggression.”