

Child refugee to get prosthetic leg thanks to Texas generosity

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NUEVO LAREDO, Mexico — An innocent little boy is in a situation that he has no control over.

He goes through the daily struggle of having just one leg.

And now, thanks the generosity of total strangers, he’s one step closer to seeing his dream come true.

Meet Emmanuel, a very shy little boy.

The 8-year-old, born with absent tibia, a rare birth defect impacting his shinbone.

At just 4-years-old, his right leg had to be amputated.

He's been using a crutch ever since.

"When I saw him, it did break my heart just to see him struggling, struggling to walk."

Nancy Elizarde is from Laredo.

She delivers toys to less fortunate children across the border every December.

This time, out of 40 kids she provided presents too, Emmanuel caught her eye.

"He was the only one who came up to me and put his arms around me and just told me 'Thank you. You made me so happy today.' At that moment, I knew I had to help him."

Elizarde tells us, due to poor health care and few job opportunities in Venezuela, Emmanuel’s parents can't afford the prosthetic leg that would change his life.

The family fled Venezuela for a better life.

They’re now staying in Nuevo Laredo Mexico, just across the border from Laredo, Texas, awaiting their turn to seek asylum here in America.

"I didn't choose Emmanuel. I'm honestly, I'm a believer and I believe I was put in his pathway to help him," Elizarde said. "It was a message from above telling me you're here for a reason."

Elizarde is now part of a go fund me campaign, fueled by posting this video with Emmanuel on Facebook to get the word out and come up with the money for a prosthetic.

"This is going to change his life in every way," Elizarde said.

The first thing he wants to do is play soccer and run.

And he soon will.

The GoFundMe has already surpassed its goal of $1,850.

He should be getting his new prosthetic leg in January.