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Texas man shot by woman after failed burglary attempt


A Texas man was arrested and shot by a homeowner when he refused to leave during an alleged attempted burglary, police said.

Around 8 p.m. on Friday, Harrison County officials arrived at the 1500 block of Juanita Road in Longview after receiving a call regarding a shooting. Sheriff Fletcher said when deputies arrived Matthew Dillon George, 30, was injured from a single shot wound.

According to sheriff officials, George had forced himself into the residence while the homeowner was present.

George was given a verbal warning by the homeowner to leave yet refused. Concerned and fearful about her safety, the homeowner fired a shot which struck George.

He was soon transferred to a local Longview Hospital then again transferred to a Tyler hospital. In conjunction with the Tyler Police Department, Harrison County officials secured a warrant for his arrest. George currently awaits extradition from the Smith County Jail back to Harrison County.

“This entire incident is an excellent example of the importance of our 2nd Amendment. I am thankful the homeowner was unharmed but also thankful the suspect in this episode will now face his consequences through the judicial system; it could have ended a lot worse,” said Fletcher.

George’s bond is currently set at $50,000.