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Report: Texas is the 2nd most sinful state, only behind Nevada

45. Texas
and last updated

Texas was ranked 2nd in the list of most sinful states. It was only behind Nevada, home of Sin City itself.

The report by WalletHub compared the 50 states across 47 key indicators of immorality. Their data set ranges from violent crimes per capita to excessive drinking to share of the population with gambling disorders.

Texas was ranked no. 1 for lust and no. 6 for vanity. Lust means Texans spend the most time on "adult" websites, have a high teen birth rate and have a high rate of people arrested for prostitution.

Vanity was decided by how many salons a state had per capita, Google searches for plastic surgeons and average consumer purchases of personal care products.

The top states were Nevada, Texas, Florida, California and Georgia.

For the full report, click here.