The National Rifle Association Foundation has awarded the Brazos County Precinct 3 Constable's Office a grant totaling $1,760.
The grant will be used for first aid supplies for citizens and service animals as well as training supplies.
Constable J.P. Ingram requested the grant in order to provide deputies with supplies for trauma victims, a first aid kit for a canine service animal and training ammunition.
Brazos County Precinct 3 deputies are responsible for all manners of the civil process, serving as bailiff security for the county courts and all other normal duties of peace officers.
The NRA Foundation provides support to eligible organizations and has given over $267 million in grants since 1990.
In a press release, Constable Ingram expressed his gratitude to the foundation to allow his office to have the best tools and training in order to perform the best service possible to the citizens and visitors of Brazos County.