

Waco massage parlor raided in prostitution sting

Posted at 5:06 PM, Mar 28, 2018
and last updated 2018-03-28 20:05:39-04

S.F. Massage Parlor in Waco was raided this morning at around 9 a.m. by the McLennan County Sheriff's Office.

The parlor has been under investigation for months for human trafficking.

The parlor is located at 813 Lake Air Drive.

Two Chinese women were found living there, both could not speak English.

A Mandarin-speaking interpreter with Baylor was there to assist police. Unbound, a group that works to prevent and help victims of human-trafficking, was also on scene.

Both women have now been moved to a safe place where Unbound will be able to monitor them. 

A few months ago, MCSO raided a massage parlor within one block of S.F. Massage. That parlor was located at 713 Lake Air Drive. The woman behind that operation was arrested. 

Police are actively working to find the person responsible for trafficking these women.

Sheriff Parnell McNamara says that he is proud of his detectives for their hard work. He said their goal is to save all victims of human trafficking in McLennan County. 

"We're not going to let up on these people. We're keeping the heat turned up."

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