

SPOOKY! Hippodrome staff talk about possible ghost sightings

Posted at 10:07 PM, Oct 31, 2017
and last updated 2017-10-31 23:12:19-04

There have been rumors that the historic Waco Hippodrome is haunted.

"Everyone has always said there were ghosts here," Nathan Yost, facility manager for the Waco Hippodrome, said.

The Waco Hippodrome was built in 1913.

Several sightings of ghosts, or spirits, have been reported. Some of them have even been caught on video.

"There's been a whole bunch of stories," Yost said.

Yost said he was closing up the theatre in the spring. It was around 1 a.m. and he was checking the doors to make sure they were closed.

When he went to check the side door, he said something was off. 

"I noticed that it was colder and I smelled cigarette smoke. I figured it was a homeless person or someone up to no good so I checked the door and it was in fact unlocked.  So I quickly locked it and went down a hallway that used to be here," Yost said.

In the surveillance video, you see Yost walk off the frame and a second later something else appears.

"You actually see a black clear silhouette following me," Yost said.

In the video, the silhouette turns towards the wall then fades away.

Yost said after he saw the surveillance video, he gasped. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

According to Mike and Cindy Jacobus, founders of the McLennan County Paranormal Investigations, said that's a spirit.

The Jacobus' said the Hippodrome is haunted. They have visited the theatre five times for investigations, including after the incident Yost caught on video.

"We got a few hits in this hallway. We never did contact the spirit that was there, never did hear any voices, but we did get activity on this. And we've had activity over the whole theatre," Mike Jacobus said.

The Jacobus' and Hippodrome staff say it's not a bad haunting.

"We haven't had any negative influences or anything like that. It's always been fun, strange things that have happened," Yost said.

So next time you're in the theatre, the Hippodrome Ghost may join you in enjoying the movie.

Read more: 
Spooky! Video shows glass mysteriously fall off counter at Hippodrome

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