

City of West to hold hazardous waste clean up for residents

Posted at 7:52 AM, May 02, 2013
and last updated 2013-05-02 08:52:13-04

The city of West will be holding a household hazardous waste clean up day this weekend. The clean up will be at 1329 N. Davis St. in the parking lot west of the nursing home on Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

This clean up will be for West residents only. Those who choose to participate in the clean up will be required to show a picture ID with their home address.

They are accepting five gallon containers or less of things like household cleaners, paint, lawn and garden products, pool chemicals, small propane cylinder and batteries.

They are not accepting cell phones, electronics, large appliances, medical and pharmaceuticals or explosives or ammunition, and construction waste.

For a complete list of waste items go to the city of West website,